Dr. Vivien Lai's homeschool book is just released. Please take a look!
最近Dr. Vivien Lai 出了新書,有興趣的朋友請去以下連結看看哦!
Details as below 詳情如下 (updated at 23 Oct 2024):

A Qualitative Study Of The Motivations, Challenges, Methodologies And Impacts Of Homeschooling Undertaken By A Homeschool Educator In Hong Kong
Personalized Learning in a Unique Educational Landscape: Insights from Dr. Lai
You can purchase the Hong Kong Homeschool Education varies websites worldwide
For our homeschooling eBook in Barnes & Noble , it is US$2.99.
For Google Play store, our homeschooling eBook costs HK$26.52.
在 Google Play 商店上,我們的在家教育電子書售價為26.52港元。
Online Stores:
4. Booktopia
5. Flipkart
6. Bokus
7. Amazon Mx
8. Adlibris
9. Amazon In
10. Rakuten Kobo
11. Everand
12. Indigo
13. Saxo
14. Ecampus
15. Barnes & Noble
16. Thrift Books
18. Hugendubel
19. Bol.
20. Amazon
21. Bookshop.org
22. Lehmanns Ch
23. Amazon Za
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